TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) for Research Consultant
CARL-SL and AdvocAid
Project Title: Decriminalizing Poverty: Advocating for reform of petty offenses in Sierra Leone
Location: Freetown, Bo, Kenema, Kono, Makeni, and Kambia
Contract Period: 18 March 2017 – 20 April 2017 and 1 April 2018 – 1 July 2018
CARL-SL and AdvocAid are looking for a consultant for an OSIWA funded project focusing on advocacy for reform of petty offenses in Sierra Leone. We are seeking an individual with the necessary skills and expertise to undertake a legal research for a baseline study on Petty Offenses, write a legal aid policy brief, and advice on the development of a position paper for justice sector holders. The consultancy has two phases.
Phase 1 (18 March 2017- 20 April 2017)
The baseline survey will focus on Courts and the Police. The consultant is expected to design a one day training workshop for the training of 6 CARL and ADVOCAID field monitors and staff to build their capacity and expertise on how to identify and study petty offenses within the Sierra Leone Police (SLP), and Courts across the study area, in order to promote better monitoring, identification of petty offenses, keeping records and reporting on these offenses for the duration of the project, that could lead to better advocacy skills and reform within the criminal justice system in Sierra Leone, and that will eventually lead to the decriminalization of petty offenses in Sierra Leone.
The consultant is also expected to utilize the baseline survey/research data to write a baseline report. The Baseline Report will be printed and distributed to justice sector stakeholders across the country which will be distributed during the inception event.
Phase 2 (01/04/2018-01/07/2018
CARL-SL and AdvocAid will also utilize the services of the consultant in collating the data and recommendations that will adequately inform CARL-SL and AdvocAid in writing the Position Paper. The consultant is expected to bring in both his/her legal and research expertise to adequately inform the writing of the position paper, that will focus on informing the stakeholders on the need for the decriminalization of petty offenses and their impact on people and the poor, and to inform policy and reform of the criminal justice system. CARL-SL and AdvocAid will print 100 Copies which will be distributed to all the stakeholders during the launch of the position paper.
Terms: The consultant will be paid in two instalments; 60 percent of the total amount will be paid after the signing of the contract during phase 1 while the remaining 40 percent will be paid upon satisfactorily completing the assignment during phase 2.
Requirements/Qualifications: Must have a law degree, and experience in carrying out baseline research. Length of experience in any law-related field, good communication skills, and any other degree in the social sciences is an advantage.
Mode of Application:
Interested Applicants must send in an application letter, and curriculum Vitae on or before 5:00PM on March 15, 2017 for consideration. Applications must be submitted by hand in a sealed envelope and addressed to: “The Executive Director, Center for Accountability and the Rule of Law (CARL-SL) 51 Upper Brook Street Freetown Application for Research Consultant” or by email to info@carl-sl.org Short-listed candidates will be notified by phone or email.
About CARL-SL:
The Centre for Accountability and Rule of Law (CARL) was established more than a decade ago primarily to foster transparency and citizen participation in the post-conflict transitional justice process, including by monitoring the proceedings before the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the implementation of the reparations programme for war victims. Since its establishment, CARL has expanded its activities to include the monitoring of various governance related programmes, including access to social and economic services, citizen participation in governance, and respect for human rights and rule of law. As a result of its extensive work on promoting transparency and accountability, both at community level and national levels, the organisation has earned a good reputation for being credible, independent and responsive to needs of the communities where it works.
About AdvocAid:
Since 2006, AdvocAid has grown from being a small grassroots organization supporting female prisoners to becoming a leading legal aid provider in Sierra Leone fighting for access to justice and empowerment for women and girls. We provide holistic legal aid and rehabilitation services, including free legal advice and representation, formal and legal education, welfare, and post-detention support. We also deliver advocacy and law reform campaigns focused on wider issues impacting women and girls in the justice system, and we work closely with the police, judiciary, and correctional service to develop capacity within the justice sector.